Ashtanga Yoga Guildford
Ashtanga Yoga Guildford
We are asked this question most of all.
The short answer is no!
Mysore self-practice is perfect for beginners because it starts with short, simple sequences that are easy to learn. It's easy to feel self-conscious when you start but it helps to remember two things:
1. You will be practising alongside people of all ages, shapes, sizes and levels of so-called 'ability'. You will never stand out or look silly. You’re not trying to catch up with anyone else because everyone is practising at their own pace.
2. Everyone in the room has been a beginner, including the teacher.
See our beginners' page for more information
While we are open for 2 hours students practice for however long suits them. Some people practice for 30 mins and some 1hr 30 mins.
You can arrive any time between 5.45am-7.15am to start your practice and you will be guided by your teacher.
When we both started this practice we attended a class once a week but soon started doing a 3 day a week practice..... This is a great start.
As time progresses you may or may not find you want to do more.
To be honest any time with a teacher is sacred as thats where the learning happens.
A 'Moon day' is when the moon is either full or new. We take the day off from physical practice to help us reconnect with nature. The moon has a strong effect on our bodies and minds. Here are a list of the moon days.
If you’re joining us after doing ashtanga led classes, remember that the focus of your practice has shifted. Learning the order of postures is a crucial part of traditional ashtanga. In your initial sessions, we will simplify things while you commit the sequences to memory. The first task is to learn the sun salutes and standing poses off by heart over a few sessions. It’s easy to feel you are being held back but this is the way to set yourself free and become self-sufficient on the mat. On that note, cheat sheets are best avoided. Not only do they keep you reliant on instructions, they can encourage you to do too much, too soon. Self-practice can be quite intense and tiring at first. You need to build up slowly.
If you are just starting ashtanga yoga then between 30-45 mins, this will gradually increase over time.
Most students practice is around an hour and a half.
We encourage you to get your own mat but we do have a few mats available if you need them.
We do not have a shower.
A shala is a place where people practice yoga.
Traditionally women take the first three days of their period off. There are lots of reasons why you may wish to do this including keeping in touch with your natural rhythms. Please feel free to chat to any of the teachers or assistants about this.
If you have not practiced ashtanga regularly before, please wait until six months after giving birth. If you have an established practice please stop practicing until your 14th week/first scan and check with your doctor. It is very important that you let us know your are pregnant so we can adapt the sequence for you. we recommend reading 'Yoga Sadhana for Mothers'
You are never to old to start this practice in some form or another. It can be tailored to suit all ages and abilities and levels of fitness.
It is an informal chance for students to ask questions of the teachers. Ask any details about stuff that has come up for them during the students practice and share some chai together. The teachers will share some knowledge as well, focusing on a particular topic related to the practice of yoga.
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